Part-Time MBA Association

2024-2025 Officers
2024-2025 Part-Time MBAA Officers
Rudy Gosai            Dave Anderson
Rudy Gosai,
David Anderson,
Vice President
Dana Covington Kyle Capelli
Dana Covington, 
Kyle Cappelli,

When you join the Part-Time MBA Program, you automatically become a member of the Part-Time MBA Association. The PTMBAA is set up to further the interests of Part-Time MBA students and to provide an official forum in which you may network with fellow students and voice praise or raise concerns. The Part-Time MBA Association is run by a group of four student-elected individuals who serve for a one-year term.

The Part-Time MBA Association has a variety of functions:
  • Arranging for business leaders to speak at the Peninsula Center
  • Providing snack dinners and pizza nights several times a semester
  • Scheduling social events outside of class, such as W&M football tailgates
  • Organizing ways to give back, such as blood drives and gently used coat collections
  • Serving coffee, tea and cocoa nightly at the Peninsula Center

By bringing students together for a variety of purposes, the Part-Time MBA Association heightens the sense of community we enjoy in the Part-Time MBA Program. We look forward to your joining us.