Contact Us

We are here to help you get the most out of your MAcc year so please do not hesitate to contact us. The MAcc office is located in Miller Hall Suite 2051. If you need assistance outside of what you believe the program office can give you, then please consult with the office of the Dean of Students

Contact Information
Program Staff
Julie Hummel Headshot
Julie Hummel

Assistant Dean, Residential Graduate Business Programs

Phone: 757-221-6213

Email: [[m|julie.hummel]]

Office: Miller Hall 2051

Beth McGraw Headshot
Beth Snavely

Associate Director, Residential Graduate Business Programs

Phone: 757-221-2879

Email: [[m|beth.snavely]]

Office: Miller Hall 2051

Marc Moyers
Marc Moyers

MAcc Faculty Director and Admissions 

Phone: 757-221-2863

Email: [[m|marc.moyers]]

Office: Miller Hall 3022