Tutorials on Plagiarism

The following universities have created tutorials with tests to help you prevent plagiarism in your assignments:

  1. University of Missouri - The following tutorial includes quizzes to test yourself to see if you can recognize plagiarism, information on how to cite your sources and other helpful tips: MU Libraries - University of Missouri - Plagiarism Tutorial
  2. Indiana University Bloomington - School of Education - This site includes cases, examples and practice tests for guests: IU Bloomington School of Education - How to Recognize Plagiarism
  3. Colby, Bates and Bowdoin (CBB) Plagiarism Resource Site - This site includes a 15 minute self test on plagiarism with an overview of helpful terms: CBB Self-Test
  4. University of Toronto - "How Not to Plagiarize" - this site includes a special section for English as a Second Language (ESL) students.