Integrating AI in Education: Professor Tremblay LIVE on RVA Today

This week, in a short but engaging segment on the RVA Today show, Professor Monica Chiarini Tremblay, Hays T. Watkins Distinguished Professor of Business, at William & Mary’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business, discussed the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom. Interviewed by Naomi Brackett at WWBT Television Station, Tremblay spoke to the Mason School’s emphasis on AI and machine learning and how it is completely reshaping education, particularly in the data-heavy business realm.

Professor Tremblay highlighted that the integration of AI tools has significantly lowered the barriers toProfessor Monica Chiarini Tremblay and Naomi Brackett on RVA Today entry for students aspiring to enter fields like data science. “Historically, students faced a steep learning curve to master technical skills,” she explained. “Now, AI empowers them to focus less on the technical complexities of coding and more on interpreting data and telling compelling stories—making this field more accessible and meaningful for our next generation of business leaders.”

In particular, the Executive MBA program at the Mason School leverages these advancements to elevate the educational experience for its students. By incorporating AI into the curriculum, the program empowers participants to engage deeply with real-world data, drawing insights crucial for strategic career decision-making. This approach enriches their learning journey and equips them with essential skills that are increasingly sought after in today’s job market.

“The ability to interpret data and communicate insights effectively is what distinguishes successful business leaders,” Professor Tremblay emphasized. “With AI as a powerful and supportive tool, our Executive MBA students—and indeed all of our business students—can leverage data to make informed decisions and create meaningful impact within their organizations.”

As institutions like William & Mary continue to incorporate advanced technologies into their curricula, the future of education looks promising. The integration of AI is not merely about keeping up with technological trends; it’s about preparing students for a rapidly evolving workforce where data-driven decision-making is paramount.

Professor Tremblay’s insights stress the invaluable role of AI in education, providing students with the skills and confidence necessary to thrive in their careers. As the conversation around AI in the classroom continues, it’s clear that embracing these innovations is crucial for shaping the next generation of leaders.

If you missed the noon news on Wednesday, September 25 you can still catch Professor Tremblay’s live interview on RVA Today.