MAcc Students Embark on their Annual DC Trek
In an age where employers are placing more and more emphasis on real life work experience, having a deep knowledge of the current issues in one’s career field is becoming less of a helpful advantage and more of a crucial requirement for entrance into the work world. As a result, the opportunity to speak and engage with real employers is becoming increasingly important to one’s future success. Luckily for Mason School students, the Masters of Accounting Program (MAcc) goes above and beyond to give students every opportunity to become valuable employees.
This past fall, members of the Raymond A. Mason School of Business Masters in Accounting program (MAcc) embarked on their annual D.C. trek to learn more about the intersection between the public and private sectors of the accounting field. Participants were treated to two full days of seminars, networking, and recruiting, culminating in a special dinner at the William & Mary Washington Center.
An extremely packed agenda included information sessions with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Treasury, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, KPMG, and EY. Critical issues in the accounting field were discussed with some of the top regulatory agencies in the country, and MAcc students were given the opportunity to engage with rising leaders in the field. The trip also had a certain amount of free time scheduled in for attendees to explore D.C.
With the MAcc program ranked fourth in the nation for small schools, immersion programs that emphasize real life experience, like the D.C. trek, are very common for students. Other experiences that are unique to the Mason School MAcc program include a summer boot camp for students to brush up on their basic accounting skills, an orientation experience centered around networking and recruiting opportunities, and a fun chance to intern at an accounting firm during the winter season, while also obtaining school credits.