Full-Time MBA Program Makes Big Gains in Forbes' 2019 Ranking
William & Mary’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business moved up 14 spots this year to rank 44th on Forbes’ annual list of best MBA programs. The increase in ranking marks the list’s second-largest gain, after Vanderbilt University’s Owen School of Management jumped 19 places.
Unlike other evaluations of MBA programs, “the Forbes’ ranking is entirely based on the five-year gain in compensation reported by MBA graduates after accounting for their opportunity costs (two years of forgone compensation) tuition and required fees minus scholarship help.” Forbes analyzes the median return on investment achieved by an MBA class that graduated five years ago to determines a school’s ranking on the list. W&M full-time MBA graduates had a five-year gain of $45,300, leading to the major jump in ranking that Dean Pulley attributes to Mason’s supportive community. “We are delighted with our progress in the Forbes ranking, which measures our graduates’ financial return on the tuition and time investment they make in our full-time MBA program,” explained Lawrence B. Pulley, Dean. “We provide our talented students a transformative educational experience to prepare them for lives of principled achievement. This ranking confirms their career success.”
The full-time MBA program at W&M is also currently ranked by The Wall Street Journal at #27, Bloomberg BusinessWeek at #30, US New at #54, CEO Magazine in Tier One, and Financial Times in the Global Top 100.