W&M Alumni Attend Webinar Hosted by Professor Kohli

As a University, William & Mary is dedicated to creating opportunities for its students to engage in lifelong learning that extends after graduation. The Raymond A. Mason School of Business takes pride in this sentiment, and offers many chances for graduates to hone in on professional development opportunities.

This past summer, William & Mary alumni from around the globe tuned into the Mason School Webinar, a special online seminar designed for alumni to engage in lifelong learning through the college. At no cost to them, the alumni are able to participate and learn about a relevant business topic. This webinar, titled “How is Digitization Transforming Your Business Strategy?” was hosted by John N. Dalton Memorial Professor Rajiv Kohli. The seminar discussed the different ways that technology is changing how a business interacts with its customers, as well as how to use this digitization in profitable ways.

2018 marks the third year of these online events hosted through the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. As Miner describes them, “the topics for the webinars range from the ever-popular soft skills to very industry specific presentations.” Past webinars have discussed everything from incorporating sustainability to leading a non-profit board.

The webinars re-create the in-class experience, with a faculty member or distinguished alumni presenting for an hour on a topic of their expertise. Questions will occasionally pop up throughout the lecture, leading to engaging and thought-provoking responses. Although designed and centered around business school graduates, the webinars are available to all William & Mary alumni.

Miner describes how the webinars are particularly useful to alumni because “they are available worldwide, while in-person events may be difficult to attend based on an alumnus’ geographic location.” Miner goes on to point out how the webinars are designed to “maintain our promise to alumni of continuing education and professional development.” The webinars, as well as the other alumni events throughout the year, are a testament to the commitment of William & Mary to teach and engage with its students for life.