Own It!

According to the Graduate Management Admissions Council, over 200,000 people earn an MBA each year in the world. The goal at the Mason School of Business is to help you stand out from those other graduates by positioning you as one who is more professional and more polished than MBAs from other schools.

In 2015, Dean Ken White worked with a group of full-time MBA students from the Mason School’s Class of 2016 who wanted to raise the bar. They sought to develop a framework, a game plan, to reach that goal of differentiation.

They began by interviewing leaders, executives and CEOs, asking them to share their views regarding ways Mason School MBAs can be positioned among the best. The conversations ultimately led to “Own It!”

“Own It!” was launched as a unique way to create a culture of professionalism in our MBA program. Embrace the pillars throughout your MBA journey to become an outstanding, differentiated professional---one whom others seek. The five pillars of “Own It!” include:


Work to become an outstanding “other-centric” communicator.


Know your field thoroughly. Be up-to-date. Be the expert.


Look sharp. Dress appropriately. Send the right message.


Get out of your comfort zone. Become comfortable being uncomfortable.


Pay attention to the little things. They matter greatly.

“Own It!” has made a positive difference in our MBA program. We encourage you to not only embrace the pillars but to consistently challenge your classmates to do the same.  Hold yourself and others around you to high standards. Doing so will help you have a great experience here. You owe it to yourself, your classmates and your school.