William and Mary School of Business Awards Daniel C. Lewis Volunteer Service Award to Kathleen D. Durdin

The Mason School of Business at the College of William and Mary presented the Daniel C. Lewis Volunteer Service Award to Kathleen D. Durdin, Director of Learning and Professional Development for Navigant Consulting, Inc.

Kathy DurdinThe award was announced on May 16 at the Mason School’s diploma ceremony of the 2010 Commencement of the College of William and Mary.

Daniel C. Lewis was a founding member and first executive director of the School of Business Sponsors, which was the forerunner of the Business School Foundation Board of Trustees, the advisory board for the Mason School of Business. The Lewis award was established to recognize distinguished service to The College of William and Mary and to the School of Business Administration and each year recognizes extraordinary contributions by students, faculty, staff or volunteers.

Durdin serves the school as Chair of the Undergraduate Program’s Business Partners Board and as a member of the Mason School’s Foundation Board of Trustees.

"Kathy was the first Executive-in-Residence in our Undergraduate Program and countless students have benefited from her energy and leadership. It is a great pleasure to collaborate with Kathy. She richly deserves this award,"  noted Professor Bill Geary, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Students.

Durdin’s service has contributed to the students' educational experiences, particularly in support of the Mason School’s strategy of "bringing business to the business school."  For example, she brought the Navigant Case Competition to W&M, an event where undergraduate student teams are presented with consulting scenarios that challenge students to identify financial, legal, and ethical issues and offer solutions that exhibit principled leadership. Now in its sixth year, this event has become a defining educational experience for business students.

"Kathy’s dedication of time, energy, and expertise is simply inspiring," commented Undergraduate Program Director, Chris Adkins.  "She has made a tremendous impact through her leadership of our Partners Board, sparking innovative collaborations with alumni and organizations.   We are so very fortunate to have Kathy as part of our W&M family."

Durdin, of Tampa, Fla., is a 1977 graduate of the College of William & Mary and her contributions to the business school clearly demonstrates the power of W&M as a great liberal arts university. Durdin has balanced her "left brain" contributions with clearly "right brain" contributions as well.

An accomplished artist, Durdin’s artwork adorns the walls of the Mason School of Business’s new home, Alan B. Miller Hall. Her paintings of undergraduate students are featured in the walls of the Boehly Café, a popular destination of students, faculty, staff, and the Williamsburg community.  Her depiction of the Fife & Drum trio that ushered in Miller Hall’s dedication ceremony October 2009 is placed in the main hall near the Dean’s Suite.

"Kathy Durdin's positive influence is felt everywhere in the Mason School of Business.  She has enhanced our students' educational experiences through the Navigant Case Competition; she has spearheaded the engagement of alumni through her leadership of our Business Partners Board; and she has made our building more lovely through her paintings," said Dean Lawrence B. Pulley, and added that "she is also influencing the implementation of strategic initiatives for the school through her role on our Foundation Board of Trustees."