Michael Hammel

Class of 2019

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Undergraduate University: DePaw University
Class Year: 2017
Major/Minor: Economics
Employer: McGuire Sponsel, LLC
Emphasis: Taxation

How would you describe our program to a prospective student?

If you don't have an accounting background and you want to get your degree in a year, this is a great program for you. The application process for William & Mary is very simple and straightforward, and everyone in the Admissions office is responsible. This program ensures that you will be ready for the workforce because it is not tailored for just the CPA exam. You get exposure to other courses and can expand on your foundation from your undergraduate degree.

Discuss some of the highlights that you enjoyed in the program.

The D.C. Trek was one of my highlights because we went up to Washington, D.C., and met with the SEC, the PCAOB, and the National Tax Office. It was first-hand experience seeing what they do every day and learning the different regulations and rules. We also went to the Department of Treasury. I think that this opportunity definitely differentiates William & Mary from other programs because not a lot of people can say they went with the SEC and the Commissioner's Office.

How has William & Mary helped you to grow your network?

I think the Executive Partner program is great because you have access to a variety of business professionals with a wealth of experience. The networking events the program holds are helpful because the William & Mary network is strong. For example, when I was in boot camp during the summer, we went to Richmond and Norfolk and met with firms that had connections to the school. Regardless of where alumni are located, they are willing to listen and help. They are always willing to take time out of their work day and hop on a 15-minute phone call or exchange some emails.

How do you plan on leveraging your MAcc degree to be an Agent of Change?

I am working for a national tax consulting firm that works with CPA firms to help deliver specialty tax services. I meet with CPA partners, tax partners, and directors directly to sell them our services. I know coming in as a 24-year-old, telling them what our company is about and advising them on how we can help, I leverage my credibility, having graduated from a program with a great reputation like William & Mary's.

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