Matthew Hovelsrud

Class of 2024

Hometown: Edina, Minnesota
Class Year: BBA '24; MAcc '25
Major/Minor/Concentration: Accounting Major with Finance Minor

Why did you choose William & Mary for undergrad?

I originally applied to William & Mary because of its historic location and the blend of traditional university values with a Liberal Arts focus. The COLL program offered the opportunity to explore a range of interests while allowing me to concentrate on my primary field of study. I was particularly impressed by Raymond A. Mason School of Business's delayed admission program, which allowed me to explore various academic departments before committing to a business major. Studying business at William & Mary was uniquely enriching, as it allowed me to integrate a global perspective from my COLL classes in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences into the business concepts and scenarios I encountered. The multifaceted education I received was ideal for preparing me for any future path I chose. Additionally, I was drawn to William & Mary's distinctive size, with around 6,000 undergraduate students, which perfectly balanced fostering a strong sense of community and avoiding the feeling of extended high school.

Why did you pursue business as part of your education?

I came to school freshman year with interests in economics, government, and history, with only a vague intention to take some business courses. That first year, I enjoyed my social science courses, so I declared a government major; however, I was surprised during my second semester with an unexpected love for accounting while taking the introductory course. I thoroughly enjoyed the problem-solving nature of accounting problems because they felt more like puzzles than homework assignments. I began attending professional presentations and meetings with faculty within the accounting department to learn more about the major career path. The fact that the knowledge I would gain as an undergrad would directly relate to my future work cemented my decision to pursue business as the core of my education. I enjoyed my accounting coursework and was confident I would find a fulfilling career that utilized many of the skills and concepts I learned in my studies.

How has the academic content positively contributed to your experience at William & Mary?

My academic experience has been a key reason why I have loved my time at William & Mary. I never defined lines between school, community, and friends—meaning I did not label the peers in my classes, social friends, professors, and community members in different parts of my experience. Every sector of campus blended to create the strongest community I have been fortunate enough to be a part of. Learning different material alongside supportive friends and professors always willing to help in and outside the classroom was a key differentiator of my education and William & Mary experience. I gained the confidence to challenge myself in academics, extracurricular activities, personal pursuits, and life goals because I knew my William & Mary community was supporting me along the way.

What have been some highlights for you at William & Mary?

My time at William & Mary has allowed me to experience several highlights I will remember and cherish for my whole life. A common theme threading through many of these experiences is that I surprised myself by excelling in new challenges I would never have anticipated before coming to William & Mary. William & Mary is an institution full of passionate people who invite you into their interests and love bringing people together. By simply making friends, meeting with professors, and utilizing professional and academic programs outside of the classroom. I have learned so much about myself, the world around me, and, most notably, the people around me. William & Mary has gifted me a unique community that creates new highlights every day.

Who has had the greatest impact on you?

My parents have impacted me significantly because of the unconditional support and guidance they have offered me through the years. They never promoted specific expectations but helped me and my siblings craft our values and understand the implications of our decisions. A support system that trusted me to define my values and aspirations organically has allowed me to grow an intrinsic motivation for my goals.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

After completing my Master of Accounting at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business next year, I plan to enter a career in public accounting and make impactful contributions to whatever team I am on in the future. After graduation, I see myself staying in the Washington D.C. area and staying involved with the Mason School and its future students.

What advice would you give prospective or current students who are looking to pursue a similar path to yours?

My advice to future and current W&M students is to use others as a guide but to ensure you take the opportunity to grow organically and define who you are and want to become aside from others. I would suggest students explore as many areas in their early education as possible and pay special attention to the classes that don't feel like work, the ones you find yourself wanting to learn more than just the scope of the curriculum out of pure interest, and areas you talk about outside of school. It's essential to develop an intrinsic interest and motivation for your path. Be true to yourself because pursuing your passion will always precede however you define success or happiness.

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