Lorenzo Woods

Class of 2022

Hometown: Burlington, NC
Undergraduate University: Randolph-Macon College
Class Year: 2021
Major/Minor: Accounting
Employer: BDO
Position: Audit Associate

What prompted you to return to school and earn a MAcc degree?

In 2021, I graduated from Randolph-Macon College (RMC) with 130 credit hours. The requirement to sit for the CPA exam is 150 credit hours which necessitated another year of school. I planned to continue my education while it was still hot and fresh. I could just as quickly have taken community college courses to reach the desired amount, but I wanted to push myself and step out of my comfort zone. This additional year of study would push my boundaries and exact a level of professionalism that would prepare me for my accounting career. Earning my master's in accounting would only distinguish the skills I would need to excel. It only made sense to enhance my knowledge in the field I intended to apply it for my career.

Why did you choose the William & Mary MAcc program?

The connection between W&M and my undergraduate program and my advisor and previous alums further my interest in the MAcc program. The relationships I cultivated during my undergrad only reinforced my perceptions of W&M. I saw firsthand how the program helped propel individuals and aid in their success. The Raymond A. Mason School of Business focuses on a rigorous curriculum and principled achievement, where an emphasis is placed on enhancing soft skills and professional integrity. I knew the program would assist me in my career. They have an excellent placement rate and close ties with the most renowned companies. I knew this would benefit me both in the present and future as I continue to build my career and network.

What were some highlights for you during the MAcc experience?

The MAcc program provided a small space where like-minded individuals could come together and learn from each other as we all embarked on our journeys. Although there were overwhelming moments, I enjoyed connecting with my classmates at a level you can't get from larger universities. The smaller cohort enabled us to bond and realize that we were in this together while at the same time fine-tuning and enhancing our skill sets. Furthermore, we all wanted the best for one another and to see each other succeed. That still exists today in the lifelong relationships I have forged while studying at W&M.

How have you applied what you learned in the program to your work?

Since starting work, I have had the opportunity to apply my keen research skills as utilized in checkpoint edge and FASB codification to clarify new rule implementations. I will likely use more of the skill sets I picked up throughout the MAcc program as my career grows.

What value has the MAcc degree had on your professional growth?

The program provided numerous soft and technical skills that I believed will help me start my career and continue to aid me. Classes such as advanced audit research, federal taxation, complex financial transactions, driving organizational performance, and more have facilitated tools that will serve and sustain me throughout my career. I trust the program has set an excellent foundation for my business acumen, writing, and public speaking that will go a long way.

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