Jillian O'Toole

Class of 2023

Hometown: Monclair, NJ
Major/Minor/Concentration: BBA, Marketing

Why did you choose William & Mary for undergrad?

Both my parents went to William & Mary, and my mom played soccer there, so it was a huge pull for me because I grew up going to Williamsburg and to campus. I, too, play soccer, and I went through the recruitment process. William & Mary was one of the places I narrowed my decision down to towards the end of that process. Ultimately, it was a mix of great academics, a great soccer program, a beautiful campus, and the welcoming community that led me to choose William & Mary.

Why pursue business as a part of your education?

Going into college, I was unsure of what I wanted to study. I took a couple of business courses in my freshman and sophomore years and loved them, but what really had an impact on my decision to pursue business was when I took a Business Foundations course. I realized I had a strong passion for marketing. Looking back, I've always been interested in marketing. I just wasn't able to articulate that. So it's cool to be able to follow an interest that I've had since I was younger and make that into a career.

What have been some highlights for you at William & Mary?

The biggest highlight for me is how much William & Mary feels like a community, whether that's a community within the business school, the soccer team, and overall, on campus. It's reassuring to know that everyone you encounter or talk to is welcoming, friendly, and kind. There are lots of little moments I've experienced during my time here that I will hold close to my heart and cherish everyday—there's lots that I will miss when I graduate!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I have an extra year of eligibility to play soccer, so I will delay my graduation to December 2023. I'm hoping to play soccer abroad for a little while and then move back to the U.S. and pursue a career in marketing in New York City.


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