Emily Reed

Class of 2024

Hometown: Lexington, KY
Undergraduate University: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah, GA
Class Year: 2019
Current Employer: Spring Reel LLC
Position: Business Owner

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MBA degree?

Initially, I had no plans to return to school because I felt an MBA wouldn't make much sense since I am a professional artist. I quickly realized I wanted to create my own studio, oversee my own work, and have creative freedom over my ideas. However, I thought that my dream was just that, a dream. While my husband, who was in the PTMBA program, was remote in one of his first-semester Organizational Behavior classes, I secretly listened in and realized "I could do that." After that moment, my dream started to seem more tangible, so I decided to apply and pursue my MBA. If it weren't for William & Mary, I may not have had the courage or skills to start my own company.

What appealed to you about William & Mary's PTMBA program?

I loved the flexibility of the PTMBA program and that it would allow me to have a full-time career. I was drawn to connecting with other professionals and incredible professors. The professors being some of the best MBA educators was one of the main driving factors behind my decision-making. When researching, it stuck out that they were ranked #1 in learning in the Nation, and after completing my MBA, I can vouch for the quality and passion of the professors at William & Mary. The location of the Peninsula Center was convenient, and the main campus was beautiful. The history behind William & Mary was another driving factor when I was making my decision. Being the second oldest college in the United States, I could feel the history through the campus, and it seemed that it was a perfect place to further my education.

What highlights did you experience during your time in the program?

As president of the Part-Time MBA Association (PTMBAA), I spearheaded a food drive and professional headshot event. For each donation made, participants received a professionally edited business portrait. Through this initiative, we contributed food, money, and other goods to a local organization called THRIVE. Another personal highlight was graduating alongside my best friend. The program spanned three years and was a significant part of both my husband's and my lives. Experiencing it together allowed us to grow both individually and as a couple.

What impact has this degree had on your career?

As a woman transitioning from corporate to business ownership, I am no longer constrained by gender-specific roles or overlooked opportunities. This new motivation empowers me to uplift other women and individuals, fostering an environment of equality. I now possess the tools and knowledge to implement these principles within my own company, ensuring that everyone has the chance to thrive. I have applied what I learned in the program directly to operating and growing my business effectively. It has also taught me how to network in a way that fosters valuable and lasting connections. Additionally, my husband and I are now more confident in developing our company and know we can take on that challenge, especially together.


Ready to Start Your Part-Time MBA Journey?