Braxton Justice

Class of 2023

Hometown: Spanishburg, WV
Undergraduate University: Emory & Henry College
Major/Minor: Political Science, Philosophy, Economics (Triple)
Current Employer: Deloitte
Position: AI Analyst

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MSBA?

My decision to pursue an MSBA was ignited during my undergraduate years when I encountered the intricacies of data analysis and survey construction within my Political Science courses. The process of deciphering insights from data resonated deeply with me, compelling me to seek a career aligned with this newfound passion.

Why did you choose the William & Mary MSBA?

The William & Mary MSBA program stood out for its distinctive emphasis on technical competence, setting it apart from other options. Around one-third of our curriculum focuses on the latest advancements in the field, providing a level of technical proficiency that drew me in. The program's track record of successful job placements and the integration of business knowledge into data analytics further reinforced my decision.

Why did you choose an MSBA program?

The appeal of the MSBA program lies in my curiosity for data analysis. Exposure to R language during my undergraduate years further fostered my interest in data analysis, making the MSBA program a natural extension of that passion.

What are some highlights from the MSBA experience?

The MSBA journey is punctuated by a sense of a close-knit community reminiscent of my small undergraduate institution. The camaraderie is further enhanced by the enjoyable MSBA parties, where professors and peers come together for spirited karaoke sessions, offering a unique blend of academic and social engagement.

What value will the MSBA degree have on your professional growth? What do you wish to pursue?

The MSBA degree serves as my compass guiding me towards a fulfilling data science career. In my current role at Deloitte, I find myself at the forefront of the ever-evolving data landscape. With the rise of influential technologies like GPT-4, the impact of AI continues to expand. My goal is to leverage data insights and AI advancements to steer businesses and society towards innovative pathways.

What are your interests and personal pursuits outside of your studies? Or how do you spend your free time?

Outside of my academic commitments, I maintain an active lifestyle. Engaging in triathlons and being part of a rugby team provide a refreshing counterbalance to my studies. Although these pursuits have temporarily taken a backseat, I eagerly anticipate rekindling them after graduation to complement my academic journey.

Anything else you would like to share or impart with fellow students and prospects?

The realm of data is expanding, and the influence of AI is on a rapid ascent. This career trajectory offers a persistent avenue of growth. If your passion for learning drives you, exploring the data landscape could unveil a spectrum of fields to pursue.


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