Residential MSBA

Earn an MSBA Your Way

William & Mary's STEM Designated MS in Business Analytics program is one of the few in the country that forms expert analysts and data scientists but do so all in the context of business. We set our students up for immediate success before they even reach orientation by laying down the required foundational knowledge during eight flexible and affordable prerequisite courses. This formula allows our students to dive deeply into the curriculum at an intermediate level and perform advanced analytic work through multiple classes in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and more.

In just two semesters, you will complete an accelerated plan of study where business context is taught first, followed by a critical look at technical analytic applications, and culminating with a capstone project where real business problems will be analyzed and solved. Interwoven in each course are assignments which require you to analyze data and present it using common modalities used in business.

You will emerge from our program with the requisite analytic skills to work with big data sets and to solve complex problems from multiple perspectives, and with the ability to effectively communicate data insights in a comprehensive and succinct manner.

Why William & Mary?

  • We create leaders who are expert-level scientists and effective strategists
  • Our MS in Business Analytics is designed to, in just two semesters, provide you with advanced business analytics and Big Data competencies
  • 1/3 of the curriculum is AI and Machine Learning
  • Access job search resources through the Graduate Career Management Center
  • Capstone replicates a complex business challenge under real-world conditions
  • Receive expert mentorship from our Executive Partners

Key Highlights

  • 2
    Semesters to complete your degree
  • 3
    Quantitative prerequisites can be completed during Bootcamp
  • 4
    Key Competencies
  • 2
    Machine Learning Courses
  • 1
    Artificial Intelligence course
  • 1
    Dedicated career support through the GCMC

Why W&M?

  • # 1
    For Learning
    Bloomberg Businessweek, 2023
  • # 10
    Best Colleges: Top Public Schools
    U.S. News & World Report, 2022
  • # 5
    Best Professors
    Princeton Review, 2022

Why Business Analytics?

  • 25
    Data Scientists are in the top 25 highest paying jobs in the U.S.
  • # 1
    Jobs with the largest hiring growth
  • # 1
    Best job for work life balance

Why an MSBA?

  • Employers

    Are looking for people with master's degrees to fulfill their Big Data needs

  • Education

    92% of data scientists in the U.S. have an advanced degree; 44% have a master's and 48% have a Ph.D.

  • Compensation

    Data scientists out-earn other predictive analytics professionals by 36%

Fares Sukkar

Fares Sukkar '22

"I liked the focus the program places on machine learning and artificial intelligence. A lot of the courses are interrelated, and the professors talk with each other and understand what the others are teaching throughout the curriculum."

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