Full-Time MBA Academics

Customize your Journey

The curriculum for "Tomorrow's MBA" was developed to specifically address employer's needs, and the skills and knowledge they want to see in their employees. Tomorrow's MBA is a unique combination of technical training, business acumen, and soft skill development. We offer six areas of specialization with an in-depth curriculum that is relevant, differentiated, and sustainable.


core curriculum, specialization, experiential learning, course descriptions

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

STEM-Designated Program

William & Mary's Raymond A. Mason School of Business has several specializations that are STEM-designated. This includes Business Analytics, Finance, and Supply Chain. These courses of study allow you to merge business acumen and leadership with highly technical skills to solve complex problems in today's workplace.

STEM-designated MBA specializations require that students earn 12 credits from a select group of electives. Candidates enrolling in one of our STEM-designated specializations may be eligible for an extension of their post-study Optional Practical Training (OPT) visa, giving international students in F-1 status who meet certain requirements the possibility of 36 months of work authorization in the U.S. after graduation. For additional information or to set-up a pre-interview appointment, please contact [[m|admissions]] or 757-221-2900.

Our Approach and Core Curriculum

Our Approach

You will experience the essence of cohort-based learning in a highly accomplished environment facilitated by faculty who are ranked #3 in the country. Your peers come from a diverse background of industries, cultures, and experience levels. This coupled with our passionate, dedicated faculty exposes you to a wide range of perspectives and approaches to solving real-world business challenges.

We believe in order to be successful business leaders, MBA students must learn beyond the vacuum of a strictly classroom environment. Our holistic approach integrates classroom instruction over seven week sessions with small learning teams, one of a kind experiential learning opportunities like Sprint Week, and one-on one professional mentorship through our Executive Partners program.

In addition to the technical skills you'll master, our deliberate focus on soft skills and career development will prepare you for success in the workplace. Woven throughout your academic experience are opportunities for you to work with faculty, staff in the Graduate Career Management Center (GCMC), and Executive Partner coaches on assignments outside of the classroom setting. Courses like The Principled Professional cross-utilize these entities and afford students the opportunity to strengthen their resumes, conduct employment network analysis, perform self-leadership evaluations, and strategize their job searches.

Core Curriculum

Prior to your first year, you will be required to attend a pre-MBA boot camp and orientation. The details of which will be given upon admittance.

First Year
First year program snapshot
Fall Semester
Session A Sprint Week | 1 Credit Session B
Data Analysis | 2 Credits Financial Management | 2 Credits
Communicating for Results | 2 Credits Marketing Management | 2 Credits
The Principled Professional | 2 Credits Economic Analysis and Insights | 2 Credits
Financial Accounting & Disclosure | 2 Credits Organizational Behavior & Processes | 2 Credits
Winter Break
Spring Semester
Session C Sprint Week | 1 Credit Session D
Business, Government, and the Global Economy | 2 Credits Global Competitive Strategy | 2 Credits
Accounting for Managerial Decision Making | 2 Credits Electives | 4 Credits
Operations & Supply Chain Management | 2 Credits Career Management | 1 Credit
IT Infrastructure & Business Transformation | 2 Credits
Second Year
First year program snapshot
Spring Semester
Session A Sprint Week | 1 Credit Session B
Career Acceleration Module | 6 Credits Electives
Winter Break
Spring Semester
Session C Sprint Week | 1 Credit Session D
Electives Electives


While we highly encourage our full-time MBA students to choose a specialization to tailor their experience, we do offer a generalist degree option for students who prefer to take a variety of electives across multiple specialization areas.

Experiential Learning

Professionals choose William & Mary because our full-time program is more than an extension of an undergraduate degree. We will encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone and experience real-world scenarios with the support of your cohort.

Our unique blend of experiential learning opportunities challenges our students to become leaders who are resilient and confident in the workplace. Whether it's the intensive pressure to deliver during Sprint Week, face-to-face interaction with a client in the Field Consultancy program, or managing investment transactions through the Batten Fund, our students learn how to creatively and strategically solve the complex problems they will experience professionally.

Course Descriptions

Emily Kearney

Emily Kearney '23

"The William & Mary experience has been well-rounded to say the least. Our courses have been academically challenging but promote group work and collaboration. We have had ample opportunities to practice public speaking, presenting in both formal and informal capacities."

Combination Degree Programs