Terry Shannon

Terry Shannon

Adjunct Professor - Director, Corporate Field Consultancy

Area: General Business
Phone: 757-221-2963
Email: [[w|tpshannon]]
Office: Miller Hall 3067D
CV: {{https://mason.wm.edu/faculty/documents/shannon_2024_cv.pdf, PDF}}


Terry Shannon spent 26 years in the foodservice distribution industry, starting in sales and moving to Market President & Corporate VP with US Foodservice. In 2003, Terry moved to the nonprofit sector as CEO of St Mary's Food Bank in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2011, the food bank ranked as one of the largest food banks in the country, distributing 74 million pounds of food, representing 250,000 meals a day to individuals, along with 700 nonprofit agencies in Arizona. The food bank’s IRS 990 in 2011 was $130 million. He also served two years as Chairman of the Feeding America Food Bank National Council, 2 years on the Feeding America Board of Directors & 8 years on the Board of the Global Food Banking Network.

In 2012, Terry began Executive Coaching partnerships with nonprofit leaders & volunteering with the Executive Partner program at William & Mary (Executive Director from 2015 to 2019), Coaching & Mentoring business school grad & undergrad students. He currently serves as Co-Author & Master Instructor for the Online MBA program “Leadership for the 21st Century” course, Director of the Corporate Field Consultancy program, Director of MBA Coaching, & Adjunct Professor in Organizational Behavior.

He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Marquette University in Milwaukee, a Masters Degree in Business from the Executive MBA program at the University of Pittsburgh & Certification from Georgetown University as an Executive Leadership Coach.

Areas of Interest\Expertise
  • Leadership
  • Executive Coaching
  • Non-Profits serving the hunger issue