Vladimir Atanasov

Vladimir Atanasov

Brinkley-Mason Professor of Business

Dean's Research Fellow: 2020-2024
Area: Economics & Finance
Phone: 757-221-2954
Email: vladimir.atanasov@mason.wm.edu
Office: Miller Hall 3088


Vladimir Atanasov is the Brinkley-Mason Professor of Business at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business, William & Mary. He finished his Ph.D. in finance at the Pennsylvania State University in 2002. At the Mason School, Professor Atanasov has taught Fixed Income, Derivatives, Portfolio Management, Corporate Finance, and Equity Markets classes.

 Before coming to William & Mary, Vladimir Atanasov was an assistant professor at Babson College where he taught Security Valuation and Investments. He also taught Introductory Corporate Finance and Investments at Penn State, and Private Equity and Mergers and Acquisitions at Toulouse Business School.

 His research is broadly focused on causal inference in financial market, legal, and health management settings. He is currently examining mismarking in structured product mutual funds and developing a COVID 19 risk assessment model. He is also studying the effect of securities and corporate laws on the behavior of large investors and the relationship between certain legal statutes and capital market development. Past research projects include the valuation of mortgage-backed securities, manipulation of commodity futures markets, dilution of entrepreneurs in VC-backed firms, and the effect of lawsuits on VC funding and deal flow. His research has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Illinois Law Review, and Journal of Corporation Law, and funded by several grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of State, Kauffman Foundation, Australian Research Council, and Melbourne Center for Financial Studies. 

Professor Atanasov has consulted U.S. and international law companies on matters of securities and corporation law and assessing settlement claims in class-action proceedings, U.S. start-up and medical device companies, and Eastern European private equity funds, investment companies, and financial advisors on equity valuation, VC litigation, private equity contracts, portfolio management, asset allocation, and development of investment products.


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