Inga Carboni

Inga Carboni

W. Brooks George Term Associate Professor

Dean's Research Fellow: 2021-2024
Area: Management
Phone: 757-221-1883
Email: [[m|inga.carboni]]
Office: Miller Hall 3070
CV: {{, PDF}}


Inga Carboni joined William & Mary faculty in 2007, after receiving her Ph.D. in Organization Studies from Boston College. She is an award-winning instructor, author of numerous journal publications, and a 2015 recipient of a Fulbright Teaching and Scholar grant.

Professor Carboni’s expertise and research interests involve networks and networking, diversity and inclusion, building and managing relationships, and leadership. Her current research focuses on gender differences in networks and networking, and the impact of those differences on individuals and organizations.

Professor Carboni’s work has appeared in numerous academic journals and books, such as Human Resource Management, Group Dynamics, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, and the Journal of Management Education. Grants from the National Institute for Health, the National Institute of Justice, and the William T. Grant Foundation have supported her scholarship. Her 2019 book, Connect the Dots: How to Build, Nurture, and Leverage Your Network to Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals is now available from Information Age Publishing.

Areas of Interest/Expertise
  • Networks and networking
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Building and managing relationships
  • Leadership