Rachel Chung

Rachel Chung

Associate Clinical Professor

Area: Operations and Information Systems Management
Phone: 757-221-2108
Email: [[m|rachel.chung]]
Office: Miller Hall 3019


Dr. Tingting (Rachel) Chung is Clinical Associate Professor of Operations and Information Systems. She holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration/Management Information Systems, a Ph.D. in Psychology, and a Master of Science in Information Science, all from the University of Pittsburgh. 

Dr. Chung is highly engaged in the Business Analytics community. In 2016, Dr. Chung received an IBM Faculty Award in the Cognitive Computing category. In 2018, Dr. Chung served as a visiting scholar at Vietnam National University - International School and taught enterprise analytics and database. In 2019, Dr. Chung served on the Advisory Board of the NSF-funded project on Big Data Education at Penn State University, and co-hosted the 3rd Data Science Educator Workshop. In 2019, Dr. Chung received Community Partner of the Year Award, Houston Methodist Hospital, on behalf of INFORMS , with Dr. Louis Luangkesorn. In 2020, Dr. Chung received the Faculty Excellence Award from the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program William & Mary. Currently, Dr. Chung teaches Machine Learning II and Advanced Modeling Techniques at the Mason School of Business.

Dr. Chung has published in top journals including Communications of the ACM, Journal of Managerial PsychologyInternational Journal of Production EconomicsJournal of Information & Knowledge Management, AIS Transactions on HCI, and Omega. She has also given numerous presentations at international conferences, including ICISAoM, INFORMS, and SIGCSE. Dr. Chung’s research has been supported by Institute of Fraud Prevention (IFP), and National Security Agency. Dr. Chung is member of AIS and ACM.

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Financial Fraud
  • Business Analytics
  • Knowledge Management

Recent Publications

Daniel, S., Chung, T.R. & Sharma, P. (forthcoming). The Impact of Anonymous Contributions on Peer Production Projects: The Case of Open Source Software Development. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.

Rosenthal, S., & Chung, T.R. (2020). A Data Science Major: Building Skills and Confidence with the Engagement, Capacity and Continuity Trilogy. SIGCSE 2020.

Chung, T.R., Liang, T.P., Peng, C.H., Chen, D.N. & Sharma, P. (2019). Knowledge Creation and Firm Performance in the Information Technology Industry: Mediating Processes from an Organizational Agility Perspective. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 11(2), 79-106.

Chung, T.R., Wilsey, S., Mykita, A., & Lesgold, E., & Bourne, J. (2019) "Quick response code scanning for children’s informal learning", The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 36(1), 38-51.

Chung, T.R., Luangkosorn, L., & Nguyen, A. (2018). Human Resources Analytics Dashboard for Healthcare Volunteer Retention. 2018 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Decision Analytics Connecting People, Data & Things, San Francisco, CA.

Lee, C. C.  & Chung, T. R. (2018). Behavioral Genetics of Deception Detection Performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(1), 106-120.

Chung, T. R. & Chen, M. (2018). Managing versus Designing: Newly Discovered Romance or Long-Lost Cousins? Journal of Excellence in Business Education, 5(1).

Cho, K., Han, S., Chung, T. R., and Bateman, P. (2017). The Influence of an Integrated View of Source's Expertise on Knowledge Transfer. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 16(4), 2-18.

Mu, E., Chung, T.R. & Reed, L. (2016). Paradigm shift in criminal police lineups: Eyewitness identification as multi-criteria decision-making. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 95-106.

Wilsey, S., Friedrichs, J., Gabrich, C. & Chung, T. R. (2014). A privileged pedagogy for privileged students? A preliminary mixed-methods analysis comparing first-generation and non-first-generation college students on post-evaluations of service-learning courses. PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement, 3(2), 79-97.

Cho, K., Chung, T.R., King, W.R., & Schunn, C. (2008). Creating a Peer-Based Computer-Supported Knowledge Refinement Process. Communications of the ACM, 51(3), 83-88.

King, W.R., Chung, T.R., & Haney, M. (2008). Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. Omega, 36, 167-176.