Melaina Macone

Class of 2016

Hometown: Manalapan, NJ
Undergraduate University: Sweet Briar College
Major/Minor: Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
Employer: Mondelez International
Position: Associate Director of Integrated Lean Six Sigma & Capabilities

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA?

I was serious about my career and wanting to do more strategic projects. I was in a really technical role, and I would shy away from bigger-picture, strategic or financial projects because I didn't speak that language yet. I wanted to have a little more of that business knowledge because I had never really taken a business class.

How did the Part-Time MBA program help your career?

What William & Mary did a really nice job with was providing electives so you can get a feel for what you like in business. I really enjoyed my Lean Six Sigma classes. I like making things more efficient and fixing broken systems. As I was finishing the program, I was able to move into a Lean Six Sigma role within my company. I went from working in one operation and understanding my impact on the organization within four walls to actually affecting strategy and approaching problems like the case studies we reviewed in class. It was really a jumping-off point for my career.

How do you plan to leverage your MBA in the future?

I really love business because it's like medicine; it's a profession where you can work on technical problems, build and work in teams, and see tangible results almost immediately. I have a passion for supply chain and operations, so I would love to use what I've learned and be a VP of Operations or a COO. That's a long-term goal that I think would be exciting. Plus, as a woman professional, there's just not a lot of us in roles like that, and I would like to be a part of changing that.

Ready to Start Your Part-Time MBA Journey?