Mario Diaz Madrid

Class of 2024

Hometown: Murcia, Spain
Undergraduate University: Universidad de Muricia (Spain), University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Class Year: 2021
Major/Minor: Marketing
Employer: Elanco Animal Health Incorporated
Position: Sr. Analyst - Revenue Growth Management

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MBA degree?

Before moving to the U.S., I lived in Spain and England, and I honestly don't believe any other country rivals the United States regarding opportunities for personal and professional growth. I wanted to come to the U.S. and earn an MBA to advance my career and live the American dream one day. Little did I know my American dream would start on August 15, 2022, when I walked into Miller Hall at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business on my first day of boot camp. I wanted to immerse myself in an environment where I could learn from diverse experiences and build a global network, and from the first day, I knew I had made the right decision by joining William & Mary's MBA program.

Why William & Mary?

There are not enough words in any dictionary to express my gratitude towards William & Mary and its people. The supportive and tight-knit community that almost feels like a family, the emphasis on leadership development, the institution's rich history, and the beautiful campus played a significant role in my decision. Another element that stood out to me during the application process was the willingness of the MBA alumni to share their experiences with me when I reached out to them on LinkedIn with my questions. Once I arrived in Williamsburg, I discovered the W&M network to be one of the most unique ecosystems in higher education. Every William & Mary alum, regardless of how high up they are on the corporate ladder or how successful they are in business, is willing to help and actively wants to see you grow and thrive in the MBA program and life afterward. William & Mary combines rigorous academics with the unparalleled Executive Partner Program, offering a unique mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The Executive Partner Program provided direct access to experienced professionals who offered me invaluable mentorship and real-world insight.

What are some highlights from your time in the MBA program?

The friendships I've formed and the experiences I've gained are unforgettable. On graduation day, my mum, who was visiting the USA for the first time, and I distributed 41 thank-you letters I had written to classmates, letting them know how valuable they had been and how grateful I was to call them my friends. These moments and many more have shaped my MBA journey and will remain with me forever. Sometimes in class, I would think: is this real, or am I dreaming? A memorable summer internship in Indianapolis that became a Full-Time job, career fairs in Atlanta and Philadelphia funded by William & Mary's Graduate Career Management Center, learning German and Italian, doing yoga and Pilates with my classmates, getting my certificate in personal training, meeting people who have become an integral part of who I am today, and engaging in class discussions are just a few highlights.

How have you applied what you learned in the program to your work?

I joined Elanco on June 2, 2024, just two weeks after graduating. I moved my start date forward because I wanted to start working and show what I could bring to the table as soon as possible. The skills and knowledge I gained from the MBA program have directly applied to my Elanco role. The hard skills like DCF and NPV Analysis, PowerBI, Python, and advanced Excel, as well as the soft skills, from strategic thinking to effective communication, have enabled me to positively impact and add value to the company from day one.

What value did the MBA degree have on your professional growth?

The value the MBA program had on my professional growth is honestly unquantifiable. It gave me the tools to make a difference in the corporate world. I got my undergraduate degree in Marketing, so my knowledge of the financial markets was limited before joining William & Mary. The MBA program provided me with business acumen and financial expertise and taught me how to use business intelligence tools like Power B.I. and Tableau and code in Python. It gave me the necessary skills to become a well-rounded corporate team member in today's rapidly evolving world. The hands-on projects and real-world case studies prepared me to tackle challenges with confidence and creativity.


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