Catherine Taylor

Class of 2024

Hometown: Yorktown, VA
Undergraduate University: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Class Year: 1995
Major/Minor: Chemical Engineering
Employer: Jacobs
Position: Program Manager

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MBA degree?

I needed a master's degree to stay competitive with my peers. I planned to return to school once I knew what I wanted to do for my career. When I was promoted to Program Manager 5 years ago, I knew I had found a job I loved and wanted to do for the rest of my career. An MBA was perfect for me to be a better program manager and stay competitive with my peers. I decided to go part-time because I was unwilling to give up my job, and it was not financially feasible to stop working.

Why William & Mary?

If I were going to spend the time and effort to get an MBA, I wanted it to be worthwhile. I didn't want to check the box; I wanted to learn. I wanted to be proud of the school I got my MBA from when I listed it on my resume. I also wanted to go in person because I work remotely full-time, so I spend enough time at home on my computer. The W&M PTMBA program was precisely what I was looking for and needed. The classes were in-person, a 10-minute drive from my house, in the evenings, and led by excellent professors. Every aspect of the program met or exceeded my expectations. I sincerely enjoyed learning from my classmates, as they came from all different industries and had incredibly diverse backgrounds, making classes even more enjoyable. The professors were genuinely excellent and far exceeded my high expectations. Lastly, the William & Mary staff that support the PTMBA program were fantastic, communicative, and always available to help the students.

What highlights did you experience during your time in the program?

Numerous highlights made it challenging to choose just a few. Notable experiences include analyzing conflicts of interest and their impact on companies like Facebook and Enron in the Ethical Accountability class, engaging with peers' 'Ted Talk' presentations in the Communications class, and collaborating closely in small groups during the Organizational Behavior class. Thanks to the outstanding professors and my cohort, each course offered valuable learning moments. In truth, every class was exceptional and enriching.

How have you applied what you've learned to your professional work?

I have become a better leader for my team and my program. I have implemented lessons directly learned from my Organizational Behavior class, which has helped me become good at communicating and rewarding my team. What I learned from being a part of a small group has helped me to provide better collaborative support, resulting in successful and meaningful outcomes.

What impact has the PTMBA program had on your career?

My goal was not necessarily to switch jobs but to enhance my competitiveness within the field. I have acquired all the essential qualifications for a Program Manager in defense contracting: extensive experience, a PMP certification, and an MBA from a distinguished university. My achievements and superior performance among my peers are a direct result of the advanced knowledge and skills I gained through William & Mary's PTMBA program.


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