Brandon Khan

Class of 2024

Hometown: Yorktown, VA
Undergraduate University: Full Sail University, Winter Park, FL
Class Year: 2017
Major/Minor: Game Design
Employer: Varjo Technologies
Position: Solutions Engineer

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MBA degree?

I had always wanted to pursue business, but it seemed out of reach because my undergraduate degree was in game design. I never thought an MBA program would accept my technical background and be affordable. I wanted to return to school for my MBA because I knew I wanted to start my own technology company and provide value to start-ups. Before joining the program, my wife and I had always talked about starting our own business and making specific financial goals. Growing up in Hampton Roads, I always saw William & Mary as a prestigious university that might not accept me. Still, after learning about the Part-Time MBA program, I took a leap of faith and applied. After I started the program, my wife knew she shared the same passion and desire to do the same, so she applied, and we opted to go through the program together.

Why was William & Mary's PTMBA the right program for you?

Being from the area, William & Mary has always been a prestigious school I admired and knew a lot about. When I reached out, I was surprised to hear that the PTMBA program accepted all sorts of backgrounds. Flexibility was essential to me because I wanted to keep growing in my career experience while still having the opportunity to be successful in my academic pursuits. The flexibility offered by the program was outstanding, allowing me to work within my schedule to make the program a success. The PTMBA program had great pacing, classes were offered in the evenings, and the ability to choose how quickly I went through the program was beneficial because if work was too busy, I could lighten my load. The program was also much more affordable than other options.

What highlights did you experience during your time in the program?

As the president of the PTMBAA, I had the opportunity to host events post-COVID that helped bring the PTMBA community together after being remote for a while. The most memorable event we hosted was the Harvest Festival at Miller Hall, where many students showed up with their families and shared fun festivities, arts and crafts, student gifts, games, and a private food truck. Another significant highlight I will never forget was graduating with my best friend and forever partner. There was something so magical and different since the moment wasn't just about me; instead, I could share it with the person I love and admire who also went through the same work and effort I did. There was immense respect and excitement in seeing my wife walk across the stage in front of me moments before I did the same.

How have you applied what you've learned to your professional work?

While in the program, I could directly apply what I was learning in each class to my current work and create new opportunities for my business. I had the honor of leading the development of several new products for startup companies I partnered with while still in school. It was fun to ask my professors questions and get valuable advice as real-world opportunities presented themselves to me. I also learned that my wife's skills directly complemented mine. With her, there is almost no game development, software project, or other business opportunity that we can't help each other complete. Throughout our work, there were many customer-facing projects where we could work together to achieve the stakeholder's vision.

What was the most significant advantage of attending the MBA program with your life partner?

Knowing what each other was going through, our effort, and the time needed for our assignments and study created deep mutual respect and understanding. Being able to help the other person or make decisions together to ensure we could push through the tough times was one of the best parts of doing the program together. Having someone who truly understands the stress and work involved made a significant difference. Being able to share the experience meant I couldn't feel selfish; instead, I felt compassionate and wanted to work together to make us both successful.


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