Amaia Asiain Zelaia

Class of 2025

Hometown: Berroeta, Spain
Undergraduate University: Universitat Polytecnica de Catalonia
Class Year: 2016
Major/Minor: Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
Employer: Mariners Museum and Park
Position: Strategy and Marketing Intern

What prompted you to return to school and earn an MBA degree?

I'm passionate about making a positive impact, and my goal is to connect groundbreaking research with real-world applications. I've seen that while engineers create unique innovations, leadership fosters a culture of risk-taking, curiosity, and collaboration to bring these ideas to life. I aspire to be a leader who champions sustainable and innovative discoveries and ensures they benefit society and our planet. An MBA degree seemed like the perfect opportunity to pursue these goals.

Why did you choose William & Mary?

I wanted to study in the United States, known for its world-class higher education. I chose William & Mary primarily based on the strong recommendation from Fulbright Spain. When I received the Fulbright Scholarship, the committee highlighted the prestige of William & Mary and their longstanding collaboration with Fulbright. After researching what William & Mary had to offer, I was convinced it was the right choice. The two key aspects that stood out to me were the Executive Partners program and Sprint Weeks. The Executive Partner Program is remarkable, providing students with access to accomplished leaders who volunteer their time to mentor us. The Executive Partners are outstanding professionals and generous and warm individuals. They have been instrumental in shaping my personal and professional development and have guided and challenged me to become the best version of myself. Sprint Weeks have been equally enriching, providing immersive experiences in marketing and cybersecurity. Working through real-world problems with my diverse team has been invaluable, showcasing the variety of solutions different perspectives can bring.

What are some highlights from your time in the MBA program?

One of my favorite experiences was leading a run club with my MBAA executive board members. We had 20 MBA students sign up for the 5K Dog Street Run, a popular race in Williamsburg. I created a training program and organized weekly in-person training sessions, which everyone enjoyed immensely. Another highlight was organizing a trip to Richmond to watch the Flying Squirrels baseball team. It was my first baseball game, and I loved it!

How have you applied what you learned in the program to your internship?

This summer, I am interning at the Mariners' Museum and Park in Newport News, which Congress has designated America's National Maritime Museum. As a Strategy and Marketing intern, I have two main projects. First, I'm implementing a new ERP system by analyzing workflows to boost efficiency and defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This has allowed me to leverage my coursework in supply chain management and organizational behavior. Second, I'm creating a multimedia video on our research about amphorae to make scientific material treatments exciting and educational. The communication skills from my MBA have been crucial here. Overall, the MBA has helped me lead these projects successfully and made me a more confident professional, aware of my strengths and how to leverage them.

What value will the MBA degree have on your professional growth?

The MBA degree has significantly boosted my confidence in leading teams and tackling more ambitious roles. I now profoundly understand business models and team dynamics, enabling me to lead teams effectively and drive successful outcomes. I feel ready to take on challenges and guide companies towards innovative and sustainable features.


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