Alan B. Miller Hall

Dedicated on October 2, 2009

Alan B. Miller Hall is a symbol of the enduring spirit of William & Mary. The same entrepreneurial spirit that built W&M, Alma Mater of the Nation, lives on in Miller Hall, the home of the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. In the earliest discussions of Miller Hall, the goal was to create a place of vision, community, and innovation. 

Named for W&M alumnus Alan B. Miller and designed by Robert A.M. Stern Architects, L.L.P., Miller Hall is a crossroads for learning. Most importantly, it is the home of a teaching philosophy rooted in active learning, collaboration, mentoring, and teamwork.

Miller Hall's Floor Plan

Gold LEED Certification

Gold LEED Certification

The School of Business was awarded a LEED Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council and is committed to the University's commitment to sustainability.

LEED certification is a recognition that a construction project or building can attain by utilizing environmentally friendly building practices during construction or remodeling. LEED is the acronym that stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the Green Building Rating System developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.

The model was developed in 1998 to encourage environmental awareness amongst government agencies, architects, engineers, developers, and builders.

leed compliant facts


  • 20% energy savings over ASHRAE standard 90.1 (i.e., code) compliant building.
  • Projected water savings exceeds 40% (as compared to merely code-compliant building).
  • All building lighting is controllable to automatically shut off when no one is in the room.
  • More than half of all the rainwater that falls on the roof is collected, stored underground, and used for irrigation. Additionally, we are collecting condensate from the mechanical equipment and using that for irrigation as well.
  • We are using native and drought-resistant plant species to reduce irrigation requirements.
  • We are using CO2 monitoring in high-volume spaces to provide adequate outside air to ensure optimal indoor air quality.
  • The project meets ASHRAE 62.1, which provides for improved indoor air quality as compared to a building that just meets code.
  • The building design provides for increased thermal comfort for occupants by providing individual controls in rooms.
  • The building will be part of the University's Green Housekeeping initiative to reduce exposure to cleaning chemicals and practices that are potentially harmful to people and the environment.